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Victex nugget ice maker
made with the world's
best technology

Victex's unique LCO₂ snow direct pressure molding nugget ice maker can
produce high-quality dry ice for 24 hours, and has various advantages
compared to the existing pellet molding method or block cutting method.


We introduce environment-friendly
total solution company Victex Co., Ltd.

Established in 2000 as the only dry ice cleaner manufacturer in Korea, VICTEX Co., Ltd. is a company that provides professional solutions in the field of eco-friendly business. It has been making ceaseless efforts in research and development based on the management philosophy of ‘contributing to customers and human society through eco-friendly technology development’ from the manufacturing and distribution of existing industrial dry ice facilities to the development of automated robot systems and core technologies in the field of nuclear dismantling, to the CCU business that collects, liquefies, and utilizes carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitted in various industries.

  • Headquarters

    63 Jeongseojin 8-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon

  • Gimpo Plant

    7-12 Heungsin-ro 239beon-gil, Yangchon-eup, Gimpo

  • Ulsan Plant

    22, Energy Saneop 1-ro, Seosaeng-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan Metropolitan City

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  1. For any inquiries you may have, we will respond kindly.
  2. TEL : 032-561-4016 FAX : 032-561-4017
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We have delivered our products to famous companies in Korea which have  acknowledged the technology and excellence of our products